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Te invitamos a que vengas Adorar y Exaltar a nuestro Señor y Salvador unánimes (juntos)

Días de servicio: Tercer Sábado de cada mes a las 6:00pm

Pon tus ojos en Jesús (El Autor y Consumador) de nuestra fe.

Para más información sobre Estudios Bíblicos favor de escibirnos a


Remanente “La gran comisión” por tanto, id, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Parde y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo; Y he aquí Yo estoy con vosotros todo los días, Amen.

We invite you to come and pray and exalt our

Lord and Savior in unity together.

Days of Service are every 3rd Saturday of the month at 6:00pm

Put your eyes on Jesus the author and consumer of our faith.

For more information for Bible Studies, please email


Remanente - “ The Great Commission” is a Co-Ed

connect group that serves both Spanish and English

speaking congregants. The focus will be the

66 books of the Bible.

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Contact Info | Email

Meets 3rd Saturday of every month.

Pastores Idalia & Felix
Remanente Directors


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RCC is a church community that provides opportunities to connect and serve our city and surrounding communities with acts of love.

Remnant Christian Center
170 S. Washington Ave
Apopka, FL 32703


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